Testimonials of overall analyses:
I founded Creative Staffing in 1985. About five years later, I
first met Bruce when I was the president of the Florida Staffing Association
(then known as the Florida Association of Temporary Services) when he first
joined the staff of the American Staffing Association (was National Association
of Temporary Services, NATS). In the more than 20 years that I have known him
and seen his career progress, I have also known many staffing service
consultants and experts. Plainly stated, he is the BEST employment analyst
there is. He understands our challenges and industry like no other.
Ann Machado, President | CEO | Founder,
Creative Staffing |
"I have been following Bruce for years. He is and has always
been, spot on with his jobs analysis. You can take his analysis 'to the bank.'
Tav Gauss CEO, President,
The Action Group |
Human Resources Solutions. |
I worked with Bruce when he was with the American
Staffing Association, Staffing Industry Analysts and as a colleague on the
Business Research Advisory Council to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Bruce has unique and powerful insights and perspectives on everything related
to labor statistics and the staffing industry. His products are practical and
they truly add value. Bruce is a knowledgeable, talented and
entertaining communicator. I would welcome the opportunity to work with
Bruce in the future.
Steven Drexel, President and CEO, CSG Holdings, Inc, &
CORESTAFF Services (former) |
"For the past several years I have used Bruce's analysis of
the employment market to guide our services at Berman Larson Kane.
Bruce's straightforward analysis not only interprets past events but also
is an excellent prediction of the future job market direction. As the
immediate past chairman of the
Association of Personnel Services, I recommend his
blog to all those in the staffing and employment professionals."
Bob Larson, CPC,
Berman Larson Kane |
"I just wanted to share with you
how much I appreciate receiving your email each month regarding the
employment situation in the country. Bad news is never something to
delight in, but valid news has a value and a usefulness that is worth it's
weight in gold. Thank you for doing the sifting through the numbers
for us. Soon or later, and I certainly hope it is sooner, the numbers
will turn around and the trend lines will show growth once again. In the
mean time it is good to have an idea of what is really going on out
Jim De Kornfeld, Regional Director,
HelmsBriscoe |
"As a speaker at our annual conference, Bruce
demonstrated the uncanny ability to take complex and often arcane economic
data and translate it into information that business leaders can
understand and use effectively. That's as close to a crystal ball as it
gets in the world of commerce!" Peter Weddle, Executive
International Association of Employment Web Sites |
"When it comes to needing the big picture on
employment trends and statistics, Bruce Steinberg is the man to call.
possesses not only a broad understanding of the resources available, but also
an intimate knowledge of their histories, their development, their meanings,
their inconsistencies, and their shortcomings." Bruce
A. Ackermann, MBA, CFA, Ackermann Money Management, Palo Alto, CA (former
Interim HealthCare of Hawaii franchisee). |
I have always
found your reports and analyses perspicacious, incisive and very
comprehensive. You have the best grasp of all the various government
statistics and reports hence your work is the best I know. John Bowmer,
former Chairman and Chief Executive, Adecco SA, the worlds largest staffing
company (more than 17
billion in global revenues in 2004) with 6,000 offices in 70 countries and
territories. |
Bruce is an
expert writer, researcher and communicator. He combines mastery of
technical detail with a flare for presentation that makes his work
compelling to laypeople and informative to experts.
David Autor,
Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT) |
If you want to know what is happening in the
U.S. labour market, ask Bruce Steinberg. He is the seismograph of employment
development and reading his data and analysis will make you more confident on
predictions of staffing needs in the economy, the services that you can
provide for the industry, and for the development of employment services that
the economy requires. So far I have not seen similarly good sources
anywhere else in the world. Peter Auer, Chief, Employment Analysis and
Research Unit, Employment Strategy Department,
International Labour Office (ILO), Geneva |
Ive followed and depended on the quality of Bruces
analytical work since 1991. I believe he has an incredibly deep knowledge of
the staffing industry as a whole and how it relates to the larger U.S.
economy. His thoughtful and in-depth analysis of the industry and its
trends have provided VCG with valuable guidance in our ongoing development
of products and services for this dynamic industry. Phil McCutchen,
Marketing Manager,
VCG, Inc. |
Bruce, you're
THE BEST! You've been a pillar in our profession for many years. Thanks a
million for all you dedication and hard work. Janey Moores, founder,
BJM Associates, Inc.
(since 1971, currently operates multiple divisions in major markets throughout
Kentucky). |
"Thank you for the presentation you delivered to our
ISA group. Everyone thought the
information was not only timely but very informative, specifically the level
of detail you can provide, all the way down to the county and city levels that
pertains specifically to the staffing industry. We were very impressed with
not only the accuracy and the depth of the facts but also with how fast you
can deliver the information. The service you provide can definitely help a
staffing or recruiting professional determine where they should focus their
time and energies as well as their recruiting dollars so they can optimize
their results. We sincerely appreciate learning more about the services
you offer and gladly recommend you to anyone in the staffing industry.
Richard J. Carroll,
Grafton Inc. |
(back to top) |
Product testimonials:
Bruce is an invaluable resource to me in working
through the strategic planning process with my clients in the staffing
industry. Bruce consults with me on each engagement and customizes his
deliverables accordingly, exceeding my expectations each time. He
expediently gathers and compiles the data I need and delivers it in
user-friendly reports which make the analysis portion of my job easy.
Because with Bruce's assistance I can make strategy recommendations with
confidence and accuracy, my clients benefit greatly in turn. He is the
ultimate "consultant's consultant."
Amy Bingham, Bingham
"I have enjoyed working with the
Employment Tracking Tool system. Your employment tracking
tool has given us great localized information on which industries to move
forward with for my existing commercial business, which places
Administrative/Clerical, Engineering and Accounting personnel."
Marsha Murray, CPC,
Murray Resources
(Houston, TX)
"Bruce Steinberg's monthly
U.S. Employment Situation podcast provides a valuable
first-on-the-scene report of the latest employment data. Bruce's product
is unique for its straight-forward layman's language and well considered
animated graphics, which makes it an extremely useful tool for
non-economists without holding back any of the detail professional analysts
need. His quick, unpretentious and often humorous delivery should make
even the most time-stressed executive stop to listen. I strongly
recommend his service to any manager who needs to respond quickly to labor
market forces."
Richard C. O'Sullivan, Change
Management Solutions, Arnold, MD
subscribe to all the economic podcasts on iTunes (there are only two other
sources Bloomberg and NPR). So I was
very happy to find a third podcast on employment by Bruce Steinberg. And now
he goes yet another step further creating "mini-movies" to clarify the trends
and make it visually compelling.
He is a
tremendous resource on the web."
Michael Donnelly, former Chief Economist,
Progressive Business Publications
I enjoy reading the
Employment Report; I find the report to be informative, detailed and
succinct. The
podcast is great! It's the best visual presentation that I have
ever seen that covers the Monthly Employment data. Gene Rosario, Director,
Strategic Staffing,
"I met, and worked,
with Bruce more than 20 years ago when he first entered the staffing
industry. His work stood out then and today continues to produce
relevant information and great products. Over the past few years he
has developed, and improved upon, one-of-a-kind information based on
national, regional and local employment developments. He has created
state-of-the-art tools that staffing companies can use to make strategic
marketing decisions based upon actual market trends." Wayne
Stickles; Spherion Corp. (retired); Springfield (MA) Spherion licensee
(former owner); staffing consultant; (contact
details upon request).
"I subscribe to all the economic podcasts on
iTunes (there are only two other sources Bloomberg and NPR). So I was very
happy to find a third podcast on employment by Bruce Steinberg. And now he
goes yet another step further creating "mini-movies" to clarify the trends
and make it visually compelling. He is a tremendous resource on the web."
Michael Donnelly, Chief Economist,
Progressive Business Publications
Here's a
testimonial for both my
Temporary Help Services
Interactive Data Book and
Employment Tracking Tool
products from a contract technical staffing company that supplies
engineering, telecommunications and IT professionals nationally through its
Texas, Alabama and Delaware Valley regional offices and covers all engineering
disciplines. Some of its long-time clients include Dupont, IBM, GE, Ford,
Exxon, and Weyerhauser to name a few.
"These tools became an integral part of our annual and ongoing marketing
and strategic planning processes. We are able to show both senior and
local management where our offices stand in the local marketplace,
benchmark the local office's performance to their market, determine how well
they are servicing the target segment consistent with our business plan, and
begin to make adjustments to our business plan. The information in these tools
is very consistent with the street-level market conditions and
Bruce was able to make uncannily accurate conclusions of what was going on in
our various markets just by looking at the data." name withheld
(furnished upon approval by client).
Request details on client |
"As a small regional niche staffing company we always believed
that collecting meaningful marketing data was either not available or if it
were available it would be too expensive. Bruce Steinberg's
Help Services Data Book proved these assumptions wrong. We searched
numerous marketing resources for definitive, meaningful, and detailed data
before we discovered and purchased the Data Book from Bruce
Steinberg. This is an invaluable resource for any staffing company
positioning for growth. The information we collected in the Data Book
was a significant part of the basis for our strategic plan that included
migration into different staffing segments. I couldn't recommend it more
fervently." Scott E. Kuethen, CEO,
Amtec Human Capital. |
(back to top) |